Pool Maintenance
Pool Services
Pool Services
Mon-Fri: 7:00am - 7:00pm
Sat-Sun: 10:00am - 5:00pm
1314 Bardstown Rd,
Louisville,KY 40204-1320
+1 800 603 6035
Pool Services
Mon-Fri: 7:00am - 7:00pm
Sat-Sun: 10:00am - 5:00pm
1314 Bardstown Rd,
Louisville,KY 40204-1320
+1 800 603 6035

Reliable Pool Maintenance Services
One crucial element of pool ownership is maintenance. You shouldn’t be negligent when it comes to taking thorough care of your pool because if you do, you’re leading it right to its very own demise.
Without a proper maintenance routine, your pool could succumb to various undesirable conditions such as green water, algae build-up, broken filters, and rust and corrosion. Poor pool maintenance can lead to improper water balance and bacterial build-up.
On the other hand, it can seriously pose health dangers to your whole family and those who use your pool. Not taking care of your pool can also result in costly damage to your pool liner, and this can render your pool unusable.
That’s why proper maintenance is incredibly essential to ensure that your pool will last for decades. The whole point of getting a pool from the start is so that your entire family can enjoy it and not get distressed by it.
As professional pool builders in Louisville, Kentucky, we’re here to handle all of your pool care needs. We ensure you keep all your pool parts functioning correctly.
Expert Pool Maintenance Louisville, KY
Knowing the essential parts of your pool and their functions helps you keep everything running smoothly. When issues occur, resolving them could then be a whole lot easier to do.
Whether you have a traditional pool, a modern pool, or an infinity-edge pool, every pool has four major components that need regular care.
Your pool’s water is the key to lengthening the life of your pool. Ironically, it is also the most damaging component of your pool. Leave the pool untreated for two weeks, and you’ll surely notice the water to turn into green color caused by algae build up slowly.
Since your pool is a closed system, it can become a breeding ground for some deadly bacteria like the E.coli.That’s why you should keep your pool water clean, clear, and balanced because through this, you and your family are protected from pollutants and contaminants.
The interior of your pool includes the substance that holds the water in place. The walls of your pool liner are in sustained contact with your pool water and everything that enters it.
To help keep your pool clean and safe, you should ensure to keep these surfaces in good repair and clear off any existing algae, mold, and debris.
Replacing pool interiors can cost you a hefty sum of money, so proper maintenance can significantly reduce the cost over time. This shows how essential adequate care is in keeping your pool in good form.
The water and interior areas are the most visible parts of your pool, but the filter system is what keeps the water clean and safe. Filters vary according to pool type, but their function is to suck water in, remove debris and contaminants, and return the water to the pool’s main body.
Your pool’s filter is responsible for removing impurities from the water like dirt, leaves, and dead bugs. Without a functioning filter system, your pool will soon be like a green lagoon – messy, cloudy, and polluted.
The skimmers and returns are part of your pool’s filter system. The skimmer sucks water out of the pool and moves it into the filter, and the returns push it back into your pool. These usually work through a series of pumps, and they’re some of the parts most prone to failure.
Skimmers work best when they’re clean and clear of obstructions. Like your pool’s filter system, skimmers are also essential in cleansing all the dirt, algae, and debris that can cause health problems. That’s why you should make sure to clean your pool skimmers and returns.
Water quality is essential to making sure your pool is both safe and cozy to swim in. So, keeping your water clear is a task that you should never disregard as a pool owner. One helpful way to maintain the ideal water quality of your pool is through proper pool circulation.
Proper pool circulation is key to healthy and safe swimming. Moving water is cleaner, clearer, and safer compared to stagnant, still water. When your pool’s water is stagnant, algae and other harmful organisms will most likely swarm all over the inside of your pool.
But with proper pool circulation, chemicals and disinfectants are dispersed evenly throughout your pool. Circulation allows water to reach the skimmer and pass through the pump to your filter where bacteria and germs are properly removed.
Another essential part of maintaining your pool is by cleaning your pool’s filter system. The job of the filtration system is to remove any undissolved dirt and debris from your pool water.
Most filtration systems include skimmer baskets designed to collect larger debris, such as leaves and twigs. It’s a good idea to empty your skimmer baskets once a week, or you may want to check it more often, especially after a week of heavy use.
pH is the measure of acid and base in your pool water, and it’s important to maintain just the right balance. Ideally, it would be best if you kept a pH range of 7.4 to 7.6.
If the water pH of your pool drifts too far towards the acid side of the scale, corrosion of pool surfaces and equipment can occur. If your pH is too far toward the base side, your pool can be at risk for scaling, deposits, and cloudy water.
Cleaning Chemicals
Chlorine products are an ideal means to keep your pool clean and clear, and they’re genuinely a useful chemical for pool maintenance. When chlorine is added to your pool, it breaks down bacteria and sanitizes your pool water.
Most stabilized chlorine products are available in various forms like chlorinating tablets, skimmer sticks, and granules. Your professional pool builders in Louisville, Kentucky, can help you determine the best condition and type of sanitization program for your pool’s particular needs.
Regular shock treatments are another essential part of keeping your pool water clear and sanitized. Shocking your pool will eliminate the wastes and debris added on the pool, thereby preventing other problems such as algae and cloudy water.
Algae infestation can be upsetting if not prevented shortly. Good thing there is algaecide that can prevent algae build up in your pool. Algaecides reinforces your regular sanitization program and prevents algae from starting and growing in your pool. It’s essential to add algaecides after every shock treatment.
Is Pool Maintenance Difficult?
Most of our clients often assumed that pool maintenance seems like a difficult task and will take up a lot of their time. But this is just a misconception!
The truth is, maintaining a pool is a pretty easy thing to do, given the right knowledge, consistency, and equipment. Once you have these three, you will be able to maintain your pool all by yourself.
But, keeping your pool already requires the use of chemicals and highly-advanced knowledge that only a pool expert can do. As professional pool builders in Louisville, Kentucky, our team is highly-skilled and experienced to process your pool’s maintenance. Call us today!
Why choose us?

It is very important to us that customers meet the owner, give the history of their pool, so that any kinks can be worked out before we start regular service. Pool Service cannot be quoted properly over the phone.

In some cases the pool will not be ready for weekly Pool Service. If this is the case customers will be informed of repairs or if a clean-up is needed before service can begin. Work will only be completed with customer approval.

Our Service Manager will service the pool for the first two weeks of service. During this time all equipment will be logged and a detailed report will be given to your permanent pool service technician.

Assigned service tech will start regular service.